Sermon: Seeking the Persistent Light (Sep 22, 2013)

Sermon:Seeking the Persistent Light
Luke 16:1-13

At the Children’s Time today, I shared my delight in arbutus trees with our children and with you, beloved children of God. While I prepared the message, including an internet search for some pictures of arbutus trees, I think I began to truly recognize the tree’s quest is to pursue and secure a place in the sun. Twisting and turning, dropping old branches and stretching out new ones, matching its orientation toward the sun, the arbutus tree keeps growing when other trees would wither and fall. I was reminded of one habit I have developed while working in this church; I search for the sunlight. Having my own desk at the office is very cool, but sometimes it is literally ‘cool’ even in the summer. So when everyone has gone home after the work party on Thursdays, I get up from my desk, passing our sanctuary with its blessed quiet and beautiful darkness, like a mole finding its way above the ground – to the green couch in our CE Hall, where I happily settle myself on the cushion, holding something to read. Hmm, cozy and warm. It’s my own sort of ‘quiet’ party time, immersing myself into quietness, peacefulness, and the sunlight. The Thursday afternoon sun has already warmed and graced that small corner with its light; quite a place of grace for me -an open space for the blessing of sunlight.

Most Korean women don’t want to have their face tanned or made darker by the sunlight. Whenever I am with them, either at Transfer Beach or sitting on a bench at a playground supervising our children, the Korean friends who are sitting in the shadow call me, “Ha Na, your face can get tanned. Come over here.” Then I shout back, “I’m okay,  thanks anyway!”

I personally find today’s Gospel story to be one of the hardest parables to understand; you can understand most parables intuitively, but this one  really needs help from a commentary book. But when understood, the message is quite simple: utterly and completely open yourself to the radicalness of the Gospel, to the pure light of Jesus’ insight, to the dawning kingdom of God which is realized only upon the realization of economic justice. It is a radical call from Jesus to ‘shatter’ away what we possess - anything that hinders us from building right relationships with one another, anything that breaks the circle of solidarity and friendship. In the Gospel of Luke, that ‘thing’ is money.

Whenever I study the Gospel of Luke, I admire how this particular Gospel is so relevant and challenging to our own era where materialism prevails over generosity, where half of the world – over three billion people – live on less than two dollars and fifty cents a day, (and 1.3 billion people live in absolute poverty on less than a dollar-twenty-five per day.) where the First World maintains its cheap abundance by depending on the underpaid, overworked men, women and children of the Third World, where a year’s worth of funding for adequate food, water, education, health and housing for everyone in the world is equivalent to what the world spends on arms every two weeks. Every morning I get twitter messages from Stephen Harper and Barack Obama, one day almost at the same second, and the stark contrast between their almost opposite worldviews and concerns for the economy makes an impression on me; It seems that Harper’s only concern is about creating more jobs. But he does not seem to pay needed attention to whether those created jobs are temporary or stable, and whether those industries are really helping the sustainability of the community, culture and environment.

The treasures I find in today’s Gospel story are the following three words: “unjust wealth” and “squandering.” As for the “unjust wealth”, Jesus says, “I tell you; make friends for yourselves by means of dishonest wealth so that when it is gone they may welcome you in eternal homes.” The wealth in our world has not been always created justly. We live on ‘stolen’ land, upon the historical injustices of colonization. Our abundance has been built upon stolen wealth; unjust wealth. “How will you use this unjust wealth?” is a provocative question Jesus asks in this story.

Another interesting word is ‘squandering.’ The dishonest manager in today’s story is ‘squandering’ his master’s property. The Greek word that is translated here as squandering is diaskorpizo which describes an act of ‘broadcasting or scattering something such as seed.” The dishonest manager is scattering away his master’s property as if he scatters seeds. Either dispersing generously or carelessly, he acts as if what belongs to whom is no longer relevant. In viewing the parable of the dishonest manager in economic terms, Ched Myers describes this story as part of the Biblical vision of Sabbath Economics; “In this story the dishonest manager is congratulated in terms of keeping money moving. Money is a resource so long as it is given or spent – scattered or broadcast – especially for providing to those in need and releasing people from debt.”

Well, I love that quote; money should be kept moving. Like water flowing down from the mountains into the plains and eventually reaching the delta and on to the sea, it keeps moving, enriching, churning and changing the environment. I love the idea of squandering: forgetting my economics. Forgetting my household. Theoretically, it’s quite an intellectually thrilling idea. It reminds me of the time when I let myself be flooded by a state of selflessness listening to techno music. Then I am alerted to the realization that “An ideal is just that - ideal. How it would make me good, if I am bankrupt?”
I hope this highest, radical ideal of Jesus about the economy and our possessions does not frighten us or make us seek a philosophy that’s more positive about wealth. Rather, His high calling encourages us to think about a way to become a people of quest, searching for the sunlight, searching for what we can do to use our wealth to create possibilities for a new economic order, and set us free from our chase of power and possessions, to actually practice the belief that money should move - not just stay locked up, useless and safe. I believe that this is the best we can do in our own present and pressing circumstances as a response to today’s radical message from Jesus about the Kingdom of God.  “You cannot serve both God and money.”
To live as a follower of Jesus means, I believe, living as if we receive the whole vertical rays of the Sun directly, with all of our being and self, placing ourselves in the centre of the light, without saving or withdrawing any part of ourselves from it. We don’t stop growing - we accept the radical call to openness.

Remember how it feels to sit or lie under the persistent sun at noon on a summer’s day. In that sun-inhabited realm, so close to our bodies’ own temperature, we experience an inability to differentiate ourselves from the heat that fills the air. We merge with the summer’s effervescence. Well, this is where the Gospel call us; the boiling point. The compass and extent of the sun’s effervescent light shatters away who we are and who we used to be. The radicalness of the Gospel is persistent; it remains as itself. It does not allow its demand to be reduced to any easy message we can conveniently adapt to satisfy our self-interest.

There is a deep yearning in us to be poured out into one another. There is a common call and our heart’s desire toward union with God. May we welcome the overflow of God’s abundant grace, and scatter it freely, to the end of making friends and setting people free, just as God does with the sunlight for the whole Creation of God’s world.

Children's Time: How to Find the Sun (Sep 22, 2013)

Good morning.

Today, can you see anything special or anything new on me?

I have put on this - it looks like a long scarf, but it’s a stole,  and it’s very precious to me. I want to share with you a ‘treasure’ that is stitched on it. I think this treasure is a beautiful symbol of our faith.

Does anyone want to model this stole and let friends see and touch what is stitched on it? (…answers...) What do you see? (answers may be a tree? Grass? Leaf? Roots..? Branches?)
Today’s treasure of faith stitched on this stole is the arbutus tree.

Have any of you seen an arbutus tree up close? (Did you touch it? What did you notice? How did it feel?) Do we have anyone here who knows about arbutus trees? Can you share anything you know about arbutus trees? (Shows them some pictures of arbutuses, as I listen to their stories.)

Here is some reddish-brown bark from an arbutus tree. (prop)
We don’t see arbutus trees all over Canada. It seems that we’re the only place in Canada (the West Coast of British Columbia), except for one small ridge in West Vancouver. We can often find them beside the sea, rooted on an exposed rocky bluff, on that very thin soil. 

First Nation people honour the arbutus tree as their Tree of Wisdom, because it knows how to find the Sun. It twists and turns and somehow knows to drop one branch when there is not enough sunlight. Then, it will grow a new one where the sun can reach it. They never give up hope, they never give up seeking the light. 

One friend of mine shares that what she really admires about this tree is that even when one part of the tree dies off, it keeps growing anyway. This tree shares with us the power of life; even when there’s very little rain, even when the soil is mostly rocks, it will not die. It will live. Have you seen how arbutuses have two colours on their trunk? You may have seen that, beneath the old red bark, the younger, smooth, green bark is emerging! 

Another inspiring thing about them is that their seeds seem to pop-up in the oddest places, which means if you try to actually plant a tree at a certain spot, it would never happen. It’s like they are part of God’s plan to where they are going to grow.     

Arbutuses are unique, bold, courageous and beautiful. And I see in you that spirit of the arbutus – every one of you is different. Every one of you is unique and strong. You are bursting toward the Sun and the sky. The Spirit of God within every one of you is shaping you in a way that is true to you; find the colours of the arbutus tree in yourself and in your friends. How interesting it is to imagine that the two colours of creation – green and brown – are creating you, shaping you, and helping you stretch your dreams. It’s good to let the treasures you find in nature teach you, as the Holy Spirit guides you.

Prayers: Call to Gather & Opening Prayer/ Prayer of Confession (Sep 22, 2013)

Opening Prayer

Encircled by the love of God, we gather here,

as people seeking wisdom.

We find you in the eyes of one another, O God,

And search for your word, the Living Bread that sustains us as we journey.

This is a table of wisdom

This is a call to break and share the bread you give us

This is a pregnant moment, imbued with the holy.

Holy Spirit, lead us all with a spirit of wisdom. Amen.


Prayer of Confession (Source: Gathering, United Church worship resource)

Sometimes it feels like

We’re in the middle of a whirlwind, God.

We don’t know if we’re coming or going.

In the stops and starts of our everyday living

Help us to find a place of peacefulness,

A place of calmness, a place where we are whole.

In this place, help us to know
that you are with your Creation, always.

In Christ’s name we ask it. Amen.

Assurance of God’s Restoring Love (source: myself)

When we pause to listen to God,

When we let ourselves ‘simply be’, immersed in the refulgent moment of quietness and peacefulness, we touch and enter the holy ground where God is, where our potential for wholeness fills us with warmth, and we feel safety and peace in God’s merciful care and love. In God’s restoring love, we are touched, healed, and become a companion of God. Let us give thanks to God.   

Intern Ministry Covenanting Service Bulletin: What is Intern Ministry?, The Covenanting, etc

A Covenanting Service
to Celebrate the Internship
of Ha Na Park
Chemainus United Church
15 September 2013

(At the VST convocation, 2012)

Intern Ministry is a journey of learning by doing ministry to be prepared for ordered ministry. While Ha Na faithfully serves Chemainus United Church congregation, it is very important to note that her primary focus is on pursuing three learning goals she has set up as part of the learning covenant. They are: learning how to create an enriching, meaningful worship for all ages, developing leadership skills in facilitation learning, discussion and meditation in a group setting and learning how to offer pastoral care to urgent pastoral needs. For example, she writes prayers as well as sermons and messages for children, to learn creating an enriching and meaningful worship, and updates them every week on her blog You can visit her blog or email to to give your feedback.     

(an excerpt from a sermon in May, 2013)

There is a saying that “If there were no changes, there would be no butterflies.” The past sixteen months of this internship journey since May of 2012 have been a time of great change for me. This immersion in ministry has transformed me, deconstructed and reconstructed me, let me get lost on the way and found. The greatest lesson, which took nearly one year to learn, was neither a grandiose conclusion nor a flash of enlightenment; it was a reminder that it is okay to be just as I am, Ha Na, just as you have been created to be as you are. Sing your own songs. Pray your own prayers. Tell your own stories, your own childhood fables and wonders, to the children. It is alright to give you. Stories don’t come from nowhere; they bubble up within you, from you, from the bottom, the well of experience and inspiration. The greatest change which a butterfly undergoes is to be who she really is.
When it seems that the path ahead is only thinning out and we feel that we can’t continue down such an attenuated, hardly-visible trail, the only way we can make it through, the only change we need to make, is to be lighter – by allowing ourselves to be simply, lightly, gently us, ourselves.  We let go or take off anything unnecessary to become ourselves, to be truly who we are, then we enfold ourselves in a cocoon – the thin place.

pp.3 -4. Order of Service

CALL TO WORSHIP (responsively)

God calls us to be and to embrace the process of “becoming”
to find a way to sing the faith that is true to ourselves.
In your love, O God, fill us with your creative energy.
We are a new creation.
Christ calls us to live a courageous life, to be vocal, not silent,
about our God who sings justice and love for all the human family and our Earth.
In your love, O God, fill us with your creative energy.
We will sing a new song for a new earth.
The Holy Spirit affirms us all with our each unique gift
and brings to us the adventure that faith is meant to be.
In your love, O God, fill us with your creative energy,
which will lead us to a profound joy.
Giving thanks and praise to you, O God, that you feed us with your nurturing love every day, we open our hearts and souls for one another in this sacred time of covenant as we celebrate this mutual journey of learning, becoming and growing. In your love, O God, fill us with your creative energy.
We will carry your love, journeying together.

HYMN MV 6 Holy Spirit, Come Into Our lives vs. 1, 2, 3, 5.
PRESENTATION David Thomas, chair of Lay Supervision Team
HYMN MV 122 This is the Day
Psalm 118 (VU 837)
Gospel of Matthew 4:12-22
HOMILY Rev. Murray Groom, Educational Supervisor
HYMN VU 563 Jesus, You Have Come to the Lakeshore
PRESENTATION Ha Na Park, Intern Supply Minister
– Standing at a Halfway Point, a Milestone
-  for Intern Ministry with Ha Na Park and Chemainus United Church
PRESENTATION OF STOLE with the symbol of an arbutus tree
OFFERING in support of the Education and Student Fund of Comox-Nanaimo Presbytery
God of Generosity, we offer with joy and thanksgiving what you have first given us…ourselves, our time, our possessions, and signs of your gracious love. Receive these gifts and use them for the continuing work of your church. Amen.
HYMN VU 509 I, the Lord of Sea and Sky
BLESSING Rev. Murray Groom

pp. 5-6.

The Covenanting

            There are different gifts,
                        But it is the same Spirit who gives them.
            There are different ways of serving,
                        But it is the same God who is served.
            God works through different people in different ways
But it is the same God who achieves holy purposes through them all.
            The Spirit gives each one gifts
                        To use for the common good.
           Brothers and sisters in Christ, each of us is called by God to ministry and called to offer our gifts as we are able. Today we recognize that Ha Na Park has heard God’s call to ordered ministry and is here to serve this congregation as she trains for her vocation. As one called into this ministry she will need our prayers and faithful support.
TO HA NA PARK Ha Na, God has called you into intern ministry within the congregation of Chemainus United Church and beyond.  Your internship is a journey where you will learn by doing ministry. With the understanding and support of the congregation, you have established a learning covenant between you, the Lay Supervision Team and the Education Supervisor. We trust that you will continue to pursue your learning goals so that you will be prepared for ordered ministry. We anticipate that you will serve Chemainus United Church in supply ministry, embodying God’s love and caring for others as the Spirit enables you. We trust that, as a disciple of Jesus Christ, you will continue to live out your faith with praise and thanksgiving. Ha Na, will you carry out these tasks and your responsibilities in this congregation and the wider church with integrity and joy?
            I will, God being my helper.
TO THE LAY SUPERVISION TEAM Will you, the Lay Supervision Team, continue to accompany Ha Na in her intern ministry while you faithfully follow the learning covenant, promising that you will support Ha Na’s learning goals, practice active listening, share your knowledge from the congregation and CUC and offer truthful feedback?
            We will, God being our helper.
TO THE CONGREGATION You, the members of Chemainus United Church, have recognized, honoured and supported Ha Na in her learning journey through her work in intern ministry. As a learning site, you have embraced creativity, flexibility and truthful feedback as leading principles for accompanying Ha Na in this mutual journey of embodying God’s love. Will you assist her through your prayers, your support and your example so that, together, you may be a community faithful to Jesus Christ?
            We will, God being our helper.
THE CHAIRPERSON OF THE LST (DAVID) ASKS THIS PROMISE TO THE EDUCATION SUPERVISOR, THE REVEREND DOCTOR MURRAY GROOM Will you as the Education Supervisor for Ha Na Park continue to accompany Ha Na in her intern ministry? Will you support Ha Na’s learning goals, practice active listening, share your knowledge and offer truthful feedback?
             I will, God being my helper.
            Loving God, you have called Ha Na and this congregation to serve you. Send your Holy Spirit upon us all, that we may keep the promises we have made this day. Help us to fulfill our responsibilities, that our lives may reflect your love and grace always. Amen
            Ha Na, in the name of God: Creator, Christ and Spirit, we recognize and affirm your intern ministry here among the people of Chemainus United Church. 

Intern Ministry Covenanting Service: Presentation of Stole

Jane Forner has made a gorgeous stole, with the symbol of an arbutus tree, for celebrating my faith journey with the Chemainus United Church congregation. At the end of the Covenanting, Gloria and Lana put this gorgeous, unique and beautiful stole on me. 

In addition, the words spoken by Gloria and Lana were so touching, enough to make me marveled by the spirit delivered as well as the words. I quite couldn't believe what I was hearing from these two wonderful, spiritual women. It was truly a blessing, just a complete and stunningly affirmative blessing. 





Ken Shared this:

"We had a great day: important occasion; well done ceremony.

Congratulations to you. I can only guess how hard you have had to work to make this dream into reality. I celebrate the opportunity to be involved in it."

Feedback from a church member
Such a beautiful service today, so many holy moments to embrace, and a good turn-out too.

David shared this wonderful description of arbutus bark:

Arbutus bark

I am delighted to know that Ha Na loves the arbutus tree. Rooted in thin soil along rocky ledges above seashore forest edges, its outstretched branches reach for sunlight and our attention. Whenever I encounter an arbutus, I marvel at its unique shape from trunk to outstretched branches which wind their way through the coastal forest canopy. I delight in the chestnut-red bark as it sheds every year, and its smooth, green-tan bark that submits to lovers who declare their heart’s desire. This is a God-inspired tree; we cannot grow its seed, do not know the finite elements of soil, mineral, sunlight and warmth and water that swell the seed and send a shoot into the warm, morning light. I know this tree -the emblem of her covenant stole- will strengthen her spirit in the days ahead.    

Intern Ministry Covenanting Service: The Presentation of the Chairperson of Lay Supervision Team (Sep 15, 2013)

LST message/ David

Dear friends,
 This is a day that we have wanted for a year now, a day that we can acknowledge that we have been walking with Ha Na on a faith journey. Every week, we have come to worship, to gather and celebrate in community, to find some soul time and talk. We have lived forward to this day.

How often we turn to metaphor to explain our deepest thoughts. A faith journey: what is in this image that allows us to explain our time with Ha Na. As with any journey, we make a plan, pack our bags, a camera, travel, take time to eat, to rest, then to do it all again the next day. Only this journey is different because it is our daily life as we work and wonder and worship with our families and with each other. Ha Na has joined us in this daily walk more than a year ago, and more formally, as an intern supply minister in December.

The plan is a Learning Covenant that names three learning goals: (1) creating enriching, meaningful worship for all ages; (2) developing leadership skills in helping learning, discussion and meditation; and (3) learning how to offer pastoral care. More than a plan , these are the areas of learning to which Ha Na brings her knowledge and intellect and [Twitter line] desire to experience as ministry work. We see and hear and experience the substance and images of Ha Na’s work each week in worship - in prayer and sermon and in pastoral care. The people who walk with her include the Lay Supervision Team of Lana, Gloria, Ken as well as Board and Committee members as Marian and Helen and Gloria in Chemainus United. Only a telephone call, a text or a Serious coffee shop meeting away are two more people on this journey, Rev Murray Groom as Education Supervisor and Nancy Heatherington-Pierce from BC Conference. With grace and wisdom [Twitter] Ha Na finds support and guidance from these people who are committed to help her in this Internship ministry. In May, we completed a mid-point evaluation, and by December, a full-term evaluation, although Ha Na’s internship ministry continues to April, 2014.

 Most Sundays, just before Worship, we gather in prayer with Ha Na to affirm and give … thanks for her ministry. This is a quiet, purposeful time which builds solidarity and brings each of us into worship in a new and caring way.

In the first days of Ha Na’s internship ministry, Rev Fran Darling attended a Lay Supervision meeting to share her experience with it. She said it would be a crucible experience – a time that would challenge and change Ha Na. We would know in God’s good time the full meaning of that comment as Ha Na walked with us through Rev Fran’s end of life and ministry.

Our journey continues through all that life offers us daily: work, wonder, health and illness, celebration and grieving. Today’s covenant celebration has not been lost in all of this, only tempered in the crucible experience of it all.

Intern Ministry Covenanting Service (Sep 15, 2013): My message

Covenanting Service Message
Ha Na Park

Beautiful, bold, courageous. These three words are what I would use to describe an arbutus tree and its strength. This singular evergreen tree which we often see beside the water on an exposed rocky bluff, reveals its unique intense shades and contrasting colours – the rough reddish-brown of its thin outer bark, with the younger, smooth, green bark underneath emerging as the old bark falls away. In my internship journey here at Chemainus United Church, what I am ultimately learning through working in ministry is the call to be proud of my own beauty - to celebrate all the ways that I have been created in God’s image. It is a strikingly exciting challenge to explore and expand that God-given uniqueness and to find the boldness to reveal it, as Jesus says in the Gospel of Luke, “no one after lighting a lamp hides it under a jar, or puts it under a bed, but puts it on a lampstand, so that those who enter may see the light.” I am learning to find the courage to take that light with me and use it to enlighten and brighten the world so that others may see themselves, their own unique, bright spirits. Undeniably beautiful, we are asked by God our Creator to be bold and courageous in accepting the call to claim and reclaim all of our human family and our earth as God’s wondrous work, created and recreated by God’s original blessing, given to all.

In this mutual journey of finding one’s own beauty, strength, boldness and courage, we are reminded of all those who have been denied their true selves and true destiny by their society – those who are denied growth, those who are not allowed roots and wings, those who are not permitted to fly.

Many women, especially, have not been given the message and assurance that they need to hear from their families or from society – which is, ‘Be strong.’ Do not yield. Do not surrender. Be true to yourself. Be true to your faith. Make your voice heard. Don’t give up pride and self-determination. For women, especially those whose voices and feelings and hopes have been repressed, pride is not really what they should give up. Pride of self, of one’s own being, is not a sin. It is what a woman needs to learn and embrace through her life, to accept her gifts, to accept her power.
In today’s covenanting service, I hope to celebrate this very pride which I am learning to embody and the confidence I am learning to practice, in accordance with my conscience and spirit.

I come from a patriarchal church culture in Korea where ordination and the right to preach from the pulpit, the right to shine, is still a high wall for a woman to climb up. In today’s sacred time of covenanting and celebration of the internship journey, I wish to express my deep gratitude to all of you who have been supporting me with prayers, encouragement and feedback. Thanks to you and your acceptance of me as I am, I have taken the step to cross over that high threshold of ministry. I am putting my shining lamp on a lampstand, adding it to all the lamps here, in this country, across the globe. I will remember that there is never just one lamp; we shine for one another, and for God.

I don’t know whether I will ever return to Korea for good, but if I do, I hope you will be proud that you have nurtured me in our covenanted relationship, given me a precious opportunity to mature and proceed with what I believe and what I hope. I really believe that you have helped God to plant and grow one more mustard seed to change the barren, repressive, unjust and corrupted culture of the Korean church and the nation, and our aggressive world which pushes so many vulnerable human beings to the edge of crisis and strife.  

The whole creation of God groans from the aggressions of a civilization that uncritically promotes industrialism, militarism, and the unlimited expansion of transnational capital. These attitudes need to be questioned; they risk the well-being, even the lives, of the vulnerable among us, laying siege to  the water, air and land upon which we all depend.

Our mutual journey of learning, becoming and growing has no fixed end; it opens itself to unknown possibilities. Let us hold a high hope of adventure while we embrace the new task of living the Christian faith in the 21st century with its fresh challenges and possibilities.

I dream of a church which shares the strength of an arbutus tree, thriving in even the rockiest soil, bonding discipline, creativity and flexibility with a new and stronger life urge. I dream that, in the next 8 months of my internship journey, we can behold one another anew, celebrate passion, and bless one another’s uniqueness. Passion is an original blessing God has given to every one of God’s children, equally and differently, fearfully and wonderfully. May we sing a passionate new song for justice and love for a new earth.

And may we be like a growing tree, with its roots firmly in place as its branches journey joyfully towards the sky. Amen.    

This Message is largely based on the earlier sermon preached on Sep 8, 2013. 
Here is the link:

Prayers of the People
God of creation, thank you for inviting us all today to this sacred time and space of covenanting and celebration to share our blessings with one another. We have been blessed by your presence and by each other’s the caring and truthful spirit. We have been nurtured and strengthened. We give thanks for and celebrate the covenanting relationships and promises we have made for one another and with you. Thank you for welcoming us all, whoever we are, and however we have journeyed to this place. We are a family, your family in faith and trust. Here, at home with you, we give thanks for your faithfulness. We pray for guidance as we grow and celebrate each of the unique calls that we have answered in faith in our different journeys of life. Guide the Chemainus congregation and myself as their intern minister. We pray especially for the Lay Supervision Team members and the Rev. Murray Groom, educational supervisor, who have faithfully accompanied me with constructive and truthful feedback and caring spirits. We pray that we may open our hearts for one another, for you, our Creator, as we travel toward the next milestones of our journey. We trust that you will continue to lead us all, sometimes leading in front of us, sometimes as a cohort with us, dreaming together a high hope to see beyond the limits. May we honour the promises we have made with one another before you today. Bless everyone here in their quest of the unique gift and light that only You can give. Bless each of our home churches and their ordered and lay leaderships, equally. With your living Spirit, enable us to live fearlessly and boldly with courage and with gratitude for every day, every moment of today and tomorrow, refreshed and regenerated with your new, creative energy. We pray this in the name of Christ Jesus who taught us to be instruments of a new creation, and, in faith, to do works greater than His own. Amen.

Prayer: Opening Prayer/Prayer of Affirmation and Letting Go/Prayers of the People/ (Sep 15, 2013)

Call to Worship & Opening Prayer
God calls us to be and to embrace the process of `becoming`
to find a way to sing the faith that is true to ourselves.
In your love, O God, fill us with your creative energy.
We are a new creation.
Christ calls us to live a courageous life, to be vocal, not silent,
About our God who sings justice and love for all the human family and our Earth.
In your love, O God, fill us with your creative energy.
We will sing a new song for a new earth.
The Holy Spirit affirms us all, each  with our unique gift
And brings to us the adventure that faith is meant to be.
In your love, O God, fill us with your creative energy,
Which will lead us to a profound joy.
Giving thanks and praise to you, O God, that you feed us with your nurturing love every day,
We open our hearts and souls for you and for one another as we worship together.
In your love, O God, fill us with your creative energy.
We will carry your love, journeying together.

Prayer of Affirmation and Letting Go

Last Sunday we read together Psalm 139 in which the Psalmist sings the beautiful, poetic assurance, `God, you have searched me, you know me through and through. It was you who formed my inward parts; you fashioned me in my mother`s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wondrous are your works; that I know very well.` Today's prayer of confession in trusting of affirmation and letting go is written with the hope that this assurance may be truly ours, enabling us to live out the original blessing God has bidden for us all from the very beginning of our life. God is blessing us. We are the bearer of God`s original blessing for all of God`s creation. Let us pray.

O God, you assure us that we are fearfully and wonderfully made, but we sometimes find difficulty in trusting your assurance. We try to improve ourselves to be better, to be best; we feel hopeless when we cannot meet the world`s impossible standards of beauty and achievement. We undervalue the strength and power we can use to make a difference in our lives and in the lives of others; under the guise of humility we deny that we are made in your perfect image.

O God, you assure us that we are fearfully and wonderfully made, and that you know us through and through; but we feel alone and alienated – thinking that no one looks at us, no one cares about us. We struggle with our guilty feelings when we do not live up to your grace. We envy, we covet, we are achingly aware of our imperfections and flaws.

O God, you assure us that we are fearfully and wonderfully made; but we see ourselves like sedimentary layers – layer by layer we dig into the depths, finding the darker ground under our scratched surfaces – our sinfulness, our despair, our feelings of helplessness.

O God, you assure us that we are fearfully and wonderfully made; and we are so smug about it that we don`t look up and out and around to appreciate how all of your creation is equally fearfully and wonderfully made. Teach us to resist exploitation for our own gain.

Loving God, may we remember that you are always close to us, moving us to find a place of peacefulness and persuading us to let go of burdens and the emotional dregs and sediments which block your spirit from refreshing our souls.

O Spirit of the Living God, present with us now, enter us, body, mind and spirit and touch us with your wholeness, so that we can give praise and thanks to you, our Creator, for who we are, your wondrous work. With your living Spirit, enable us to live fearlessly and with gratitude for every day, every moment which shines with your light and your new, creative energy.   

Assurance of God`s restoring love
God`s intention for us is to recover our true, amazing selves. God’s original blessings never fade; God is blessing us now, so that we may become whole and give the same blessings to another and God`s creation as bearers of hope and justice. Being assured of God`s restoring love, receive the assurance that we are restored and reclaimed by God for the passion for life and wholeness we have been created to embrace. You are God`s wondrous work. May you be an agent to help others see themselves likewise.

Prayers of the People
God of creation, thank you for this glorious late summer – the season of creation and fulfilment, the season of labour and early autumn harvest. Thank you for your presence with us at our church’s labour day, yesterday, when we worked, remembered and celebrated the meaning of labour. We also remember that in our creation story, you rested on the seventh day from all the work you had done in creation, and hallowed it. We thank you for the model you set for us – a time for work and a time for rest. We thank you for our gathering after work as we rested and laughed and ate roasted corn and hot dogs together. It was truly a time of communion among saints. We thank you for the wonderful laughter of our children and the flowers of conversation that blossomed from our table. Thank you for your living and holy presence among us all the time.

The Labour Day holiday was two weeks ago, but giving thanks for our church’s labour day yesterday, we would like to use this time to remember and pray for all who labour to provide for themselves, their families and their communities. We pray in particular for those professionals and volunteers who work for the commonwealth and benefit of others, especially for youth, children, and other vulnerable people among us.

Now we hold up the concerns of our church family; we pray for those who are grieving the loss of their loved ones. Loving God, be present with them, be a consoling and healing presence and lead us all into a living hope. May the steadfast certainty of Your indestructible love comfort and accompany us on a gentle path of healing. As we gradually let go of the desire to see our loved one’s smile and touch them and hear their voice, O God, help us to form a new relationship with them. We also hold up our church members and people in our prayers whose lives are now touched by cancer and other chronic illnesses, especially N. Trusting your answering love, we pray in the name of Jesus Christ, the carpenter, teacher and healer, who is Lord of all, and we pray in the way Jesus taught us to pray;

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